Saturday, August 28, 2004

Moody and short-tempered

(This is an old story. Some of you may have seen it before.)

Amazing story out of Australia:

A man attacked by a shark swam 300 metres, walked to his car and drove to a local surf club with the shark still attached to his leg.

The wobbegong attacked Luke Tresoglavic, 22, yesterday as he was snorkelling on a reef off Caves Beach, south of Newcastle.

When the 60-centimetre shark attacked, "(I) instantly grabbed hold of it with both hands as hard as I could to stop it shaking", Mr Tresoglavic told ABC radio.

A doctor was quickly located. When he asked what the problem was, the shark snapped, "Are you blind? I've got something stuck in my teeth, you fool."

Wobbegongs can grow up to three metres, have razor-like teeth and are said to be moody and short-tempered.

Read the rest here.