Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Cows in Bratislava (the explanation)

Remember I told you about finding cows in Bratislava? Well, I found a link on the web about the Cow Parade, and all has been explained. It started in Zurich way back in 1998. How come I'd never heard of it before?

Anyway, these cows were everywhere, and I took lots of photos because they were so colourful and funny, but there was one time I missed getting some really good photos because I was laughing so much I forgot, until the last minute. My friend and I were sitting in the town square, and there were some other people there, including an Italian family. The little boy was about four, I suppose, and he was really taken with these cows. In fact he took the cows so seriously that he decided to milk one.

His mother called to him, embarrassed. But she was laughing, too, and he looked anxious and went on to the next cow. He had to milk them all. He'd done one, and it wasn't fair not to do the rest as well. So he ran from cow to cow, and milked them all. I think he must have been a farm boy, because he also did the sound effects - the hissing sound as the milk hits the pail. And after he'd finished all of them, he went to the front of the last one, stretched up his arms around its neck, and rested his head on the cow. Then he patted it comfortingly and finally went back to his parents, satisfied that he'd finished his job.

I only got one picture, as he was milking the last cow, and as you can see I wasn't the only one. Can you blame us? He was SO DAMNED CUTE.


kenju said...

Hello, Badaunt! My computer got fried in July and I have been trying ever since I got my new one to find you. Finally I got smart and asked in my blog if anyone knew a NZ English teacher in Japan - and someone did! Glad to be able to check you out once again.

Anonymous said...

That's absolutely adorable! And the patting of the cow..Awww!~

Faerunner said...


He's as cute as the new kitten I just saw ^_^ Adorability should be listed on the top ten most relaxing things in the world...

Lippy said...

That's sooo cute. That's wild about the Bratislavian cow parade - what a fun tradition they've created!

Anonymous said...

Awww, that is adorable. Right down to the hug. He knows what udder discomfort they can get in if not milked. What a kind soul at play.