Sunday, March 11, 2007


It's official. says I'm 8% Stupid! How stupid are you? Click Here!

(Thanks to Kay, who tipped me off to this test in comments on the last post, and who is ALSO totally smart.)


Bill C said...

D'Oh! I missed the one about the sheep. I thought it was trying to be doubly tricky.

Now I feel sheepish.

Pkchukiss said...

89% scored higher (more stupid),
3% scored the same, and
8% scored lower (less stupid).

You are 8% stupid. This means...
You are our next Einstein. Wow! Keep up the great thinking.

I'm wondering why then do I not score higher in my school tests :)

Anonymous said...

Whew, I am exactly as smart/stoopid as Badaunt! Whew! again.

potentilla said...

Last night I was 14% stupid and this morning I am only 8% stupid. I can't remember what changed, apart from I made a different guess about the number of states bordering the GoM, bt surely that can't be a scoring question.

kenju said...

I wish they'd show the answers! I didn't like my score.....LOL

Anonymous said...

Above 92 puts BadAunt somewhere in the Mensa range - a very tight bit of the normal curve, that is.

I got an 84 - about my normal rating of 130-140 on the standard IQ scale. Reminds me of an acquintance who self scored on an IQ test at 138, dropped out of a Physics doctorate, and took to driving cabs.

Goes to show that stupid is doing IQ tests!

Lia said...

I'm 4% stupid. I'm okay with that; some stupidity is necessary to maintain sanity.

I can't believe someone would drop out of school over an online intelligence test! That is stupid.