Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Typhoon Melor

All our shutters are up, and I'm feeling a little claustrophobic. There is a typhoon on the way. We have been told to expect 250mm of rain, and in fact it has been raining hard and steadily for the last few hours. I am hoping that I will have at least a morning off, if the typhoon doesn't move TOO fast overnight and all be over by 6am. If the storm warnings are still in place at 6am morning classes are cancelled, and if they're still in effect at 11am afternoon classes are cancelled, too.

It seems to me that there is something wrong with this arrangement. When a storm has been raging all night and keeping me awake, and the warnings are lifted by 6am, then the last thing I want to do is go to work. I'm too tired to teach well, and those students who bother to turn up are too tired to study well.

Why can't we just have the day off?


Curley said...

Melor sounds nasty! Hope though it does pass over before much flooding, I've a bike that still rusty!

Good luck, BadAunt, kiotsukete!!!!

tinyhands said...

Having weathered Hurricane Ike at home, I don't envy you. Hope all is well and the storm passes uneventfully.

kenju said...

I hope it passed over you.

Badaunt said...

The typhoon was noisy and a bit wild, and kept waking me up, but it wasn't REALLY scary because I didn't have to be out in it. We didn't get nearly as much rain as forecast, and while I would not have gone out in the wind it only shook the house a couple of times. Morning classes were canceled, but in the afternoon I had to go in. That took twice as long as it usually does, so it was a good thing I left early. (The trains were running slow, and kept stopping for no apparent reason.) In my afternoon classes half the students were absent. (They were probably still on a train somewhere.) I did language games - with so many absent I couldn't do the test I'd promised/threatened, couldn't move on in the textbook - but things went smoothly enough.

I still think they should have just cancelled classes for the day, though. It all felt a bit pointless!

kenju said...

Are you okay? I read about the storm, I sure hope it didn't hit near you.

Keera Ann Fox said...

Glad to hear you're all right!

Anonymous said...

Badaunt - are you ok? You haven't posted anything in weeks!

Just worried...

Shammi said...

Hope all's ok with you, Badaunt. I keep checking for new posts!

Badaunt said...

I'm fine - sorry for not posting for so long! I'm just busy, and seem to be going through a dry spell writing-wise. Lots of posts in my head which are not making it to the keyboard.

Will try to rectify the situation soon...

Curley said...

Ah... yokkata!!

Niturnia (anon above) said...

Much relieved to see you are back!